Monday 26 September 2011

Gee's Intro

Techkers.. A business built on friendship, engineered from a basic idea and powered by dreams!

We welcome you into our domain and freely give you this incite into our journey.

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Gee! One of the cofounders of
Skill-wise I come from a background of computer networking and telecommunications.

In march 2011 I went on a lads group holiday to Brazil to witness the Bahia carnival celebrations. A bunch of us attended, all of us from slightly different walks of life but yet all young strong minded individuals. Proficient leaders in our own fields. We were all friends, some more so than others. Another member of the group was a guy named TJ. TJ and myself kinda hit it off on this trip in the midst of exchanging conversation, ideas, values and long term goals over many strange tropical alcoholic cocktails. Turned out our opinions were very similar even when slightly intoxicated. Although we were previously acquaintances, time spent on this trip initiated us developing a bond, friendship and potential working relationship.

One day soon after Brazil, TJ and myself decided upon building a technology webstore. I had some basic links and suppliers of a few products ( from a previous endeavour of mine ) that we decided we could start with in order to set up a business, although we knew that not all the available products to us from the few suppliers we had at this stage would be longterm sufficient in order to profit but we saw an opportunity to test a possible Market whilst we further investigated extending our product portfolio and supplier links. So we ran with it as a starting point.

We agreed that we wanted a business that eventually offered us a relatively portable lifestyle, in terms of being able to work from different remote locations and also fairly self managing and passive to an extent ( hence we decided on a webstore ).. However we are still in the process of working this out and in quest of exactly which roads we will go down in the pursuit of our planned success!

So, here we are now......
We invite you to add value where you may deem necessary. Sensible and practical advice, comments and opinions are always appreciated. We hope we can learn from you as much as you may be able to learn from us!

I hope you stay with us for the ride,

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